Friday, October 28, 2005

Take the next left, follow two blocks and go left at the roundabout and we're the second house on the left. At least we will be when we move next month. Yup, that's right we're moving and we are so thankful to God for leading us to a house we
can fit into a bit better.

About two weeks ago while riding my bike home from work, I decided to take a ride through some of the side streets of Bridge of Allan hoping to see a for rent sign in front of a house. You see, we are feeling pretty squeezed these days in our polly pocket house and we had been hoping for something in Bridge of Allan because that's where the kids go to school, and where our office is located. We have also had visions of starting a community bible study and after school kids club there. Well, there were no for rent signs on that day but while I was riding down one particular street I really felt impressed to pray that God would provide something there. I guess I figured it couldn't hurt and I remembered what Jesus said, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. - John 15:7-8 Well, I did pray and left it at that. A couple of days later a man called in response to an ad Julie posted on the post office notice board. Julie's ad stated that a family was looking for a house to rent in Bridge of Allan. Well, it just so happens that the house he had to rent was on that very street that I felt impressed to pray on. The next day we went to check it out and it looks perfect for us. I guess God has some plans for us in Bridge of Allan, we'll see what happens and of course, we'll keep you all posted. God is good!

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