Monday, October 03, 2005

Hi everybody and sorry it's been so long since we've met here in the blogsphere. Much has happened since our last post including our visit this past weekend to the Leadership summit held in Glasgow. Julie and I were able to attend for free with me Marc playing drums on the worship team and Julie doing hospitality for the volunteers. It was a lot of fun playing drums in a church envirement where I didn't have to play 'church drums' if you know what I mean. Basically I was told to let it rip and I did. The guys and girl on the team were great and it was a pleasure to be able to play with them. They are top notch musicians and it was some of the best worship time I've experienced while playing the drums because I didn't have to worry about being too loud and I could just focus on the words and play with as much passion as I felt. Julie of course did an amazing job providing tea, coffee, snacks, water and lunch for all the volunteers. Her pasta salad was a big hit as well as her nacho dip. I've yet to have food that good in a church. Good job Julie!!

Oh, the summit. That was good too and well attended with about 500 in attendance each day. It was a lot of good practical stuff for pastors and leaders in the church. I have to say I didn't agree with everything that was taught but over all both Julie and I took away some really good stuff. More on that on my other blog

We've also in the past few weeks started our tuesday evening house group where we're going through the book of Genesis with the whole church. Actually we're just covering the first 11 chapters of Genesis. I'm not really sure why we're stopping there but that's a topic for another time. So far it's been interesting to say the least. Most of the people in the group are enviremental scientists who studied at Stirling University which makes going through the creation account very interesting and challenging. Let's just say we've had some debates and I am not buying the theistic evolution thing. It just doesn't work with the fall of man. Check this out for more on theistic evolution. It's kind of interesting though how God has put me (Marc) having an undergrad degree in the school of hard knocks and a masters in the school of rock in a leadership position surrounded by well educated people in the science world. It wouldn't be the first time though that God has done something like this to which I say, May God be glorified!!! I may start posting on my other blog a review of our tuesday evening study to fill you in and also as a way processing and personal therapy. Stay tuned.

In other news in Hamer world, we are actively looking for a larger house to rent in Bridge of Allan where the kids go to school. Presently we only live 1 mile from Bridge of Allan but we are feeling a bit squeezed in our house and would like to possibly start a bible study in that community. It's something God has put on both of our hearts so we'll see what God does.

Hey, how 'bout those Eagles yesterday, and the Phillies deserve some credit too for coming so close down the stretch. Too bad Houston was just one game better. Oh well, Go Flyers and Eagles.

Gotta go for now,


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