Monday, August 22, 2005

5 years ago today... almost exactly at this time... I was urgently nudging Marc to get the bags and take me in to deliver our 2nd baby! Hard to believe Liam is a whole hand full today!

HE'S 5!!! He is so much fun to have around and always makes sure that Erin is entertained and laughing. He's goofey and silly, immaginative and extremely generous and giving. We love him to bits!

I just dropped the kids off at school and there he stood, with his buzz light year backpack and lunch box almost as big as himself, looking straight ahead in line through the flurry of activity as parents said their good byes for the day and seemed to concentrate on his teacher Miss Ditton opening the door. I think he was excited to get inside and see what the day had ahead. He did GREAT in his first week last week! I was a bit concerned because HE is usually the shy one and I thought for sure he would be a bit clinggy... but no... he did'nt even want help carrying his pack and lunch bag the first day. What a big boy! We are so thankful for our kids! Heres to a day of excitement and a weekend of adventure ahead! (The pic. is of Liam and his best pal Adventure froggy climbing Dumyat... See the pointy Wallace Monument in the distand background, our house is just below that)
Happy 5th Birthday Liam!!! Love you, Mommy

Friday, August 19, 2005

Time to Gloat once again!!

Sorry I can't help myself but we are having some really nice weather today. We're talking 68 and partly sunny, kind of like the picture here that was by the way taken by another photographer friend of ours, Tracy Miller while she and her rabbit hunting husband Bobby visited last October.

Technically this photo is nearly perfect. Notice the how the fence and the Mt. top are at opposite quadrants and the body of water takes you on a trip to the upper right quadrant. It makes you want to jump into a canoe and start paddling to find out what's behind that hill on the right, and that's what makes it perfect. I'll try and post some more from her gallery in the near future.

Anyway, I'm playing Mr. Mom today while Julie's at the office working on the Scotland video. Erin has finally taken a nap so I have time to do stuff like this. I'm also taking in an episode of Seinfeld thanks to Mike and Joey. I forgot how funny that show was. Thanks again you guys, I've never been more productive. I also wanted to give a heads up to a really great conference coming to the southeastern, pa region. I'm not one who normally recomends conferences but this one looks really good. These are some of the best Christian thinkers out there today. I wish I could be there but I'm kind of like 3500 miles away so I don't think so. Anyway, you can check it out by going to Well, I better go and vacumn or something. Later,Marc

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lately I've been gloating a bit about the weather being so nice here while everyone back in Pa. has been mired in the soupy heat. Well, I guess reality is back as the weather the last two days looks pretty much like the picture above which by the way was taken by Tina Weiler while on her visit last winter. Great shot of Glencoe eh. So the weather here is back to being Scottish and the San Diego weather has returned to where it belongs.
I also wanted to update you to Marc's new blog. This (Marc and Julie) blog will continue on and will be mostly devoted to family life and our ministry here where the other one will be more about things like apologetics, theology and other fun stuff. It's still in the infancy stage but you can check it out @ Anyway, I must get on with the day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

School is in session!!!
Well the first day of school has come and gone and both Kayleigh and Liam seemed to enjoy the experience. Kayliegh was a bit anxious about what her teacher would be like. I think she was expecting Jezebel or theWitch of Endor or something but she came out of school today and couldn't wait to tell us how nice her teacher was. Liam, though somewhat quiet and reserved, as he is known to be, had nothing but good things to say as well. This was Liam's first full school day experience so this was a big day for him. We'll see how he feels after a couple more days. I think he'll be great, he's very adaptable.
Back to Church
We had our first day back in church the other day and it was great to see some of our friends for the first time in almost two months. After church we ended up packing some sandwiches and heading off for a picnic at Inchmahome Priory with Dave, Louis and Lilly. They're the family that lived in San Diego for ten years and moved back here about two years ago. Dave is from the States, Louis is from Scotland, and Lilly is the American born daughter that has a Scottish accent. Inchmahome Priory is an old church and place of refuge for the Queen during times of war that dates back about 800 years. It's located on an island on the Lake of Menteith (the only lake in Scotland) so we had to take a boat out to it. This is all free since we have 'Historic Scotland' memberships. The weather was great (cool and sunny) and we had a great time taking in the sights. So sorry to hear it's still so hot back in Pa. The weather here has been amazing.
The last couple of days have been spent trying to get our office things back in order and setting up appointments. We are scheduled to have a steering committee meeting in Kilmarnock next Thursday evening the 25th. Pray this will go well.
More later,

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Greetings once again from Bonnie 'Ol Scotland
We've been back since wed. morning but only physically since our bodies were still on Pa. time. We are still a bit tired but slowly adjusting. From wed. night into thursday, we slept for 16 hrs. I think that's the longest I (Marc) have slept since I was a teenager. Jet lag is a drag!!
The weather here has been like being beamed into fall.
It has been extremely refreshing to say the least especially after all that heat and humidity back in the states. Word has it that the weather has been very dry here while we were gone. Our front lawn backs this up since it has some pretty wide spread brown patches. According to the locals, 'it must be global warming...'. Yup, we're all gonna burn up and die just like what happenened to Mars many moons ago. Sounds funny eh but I just heard a story on the BBC last night alluding to the concept that long ago there was life on Mars and that it could no longer sustain life because of global warming. I feel sorry for these people that live with so much fear. I believe in the God who not only created this earth and universe but who also sustains it. When He says it's over, it's over, and that's that. That being said I think we as Christians especially should care for God's creation the best we know how, but this earth is not where our hope lies. The beauty of this earth is but a glimpse of what we will experience in heaven.
Has any one ever heard of a 'Presbyterian Atheist'?
I just saw this term for the first time while reading the newspaper at the convenience store. It was describing a local politician who had just passed away this past week. As I ponder that term it has made the state of things here in Scotland so much clearer. The Church of Scotland is presbyterian and practically dead, I wonder why. Think about that one for a while and then pray.
By the way, it was great to see all of our friends and family back in the states over the last 6 weeks. We had a great time and we were very sad to say goodbye. You all are such a blessing and we are very thankful to God for putting such great people in our lives.
Congratulations once again to Michael and Melissa. May God bless your marriage all the days of your lives.
Bye for now,