Friday, October 01, 2004

Its Julie this time. I don't really have too much to say right now, but wanted to give you a break from all this political talk. Its incredibly important, I know, but every now and then we need to chat about the strange fungus growing on the tree out front and why fish dont seem to mind swimming in dirty water and why pregnant bellies seem to grow so large and the baby is only a fraction of that weight! Hmmmmm!!!

Yes, Kayleigh is doing well in school, thanks for asking and thanks for praying!!! She actually got "Star pupil" of the week one week, which was quite an honor as only 4 kids out of the whole school are chosen each week during the assembly! We are so proud and she proudly wore the badge all week! She is writing and reading incredibly well but is challenged at the pace of the class. We all are challanged by the pace of life sometimes, so many of us can relate!

Liam has begun a playgroup in Bridge of Allen and really enjoys that. We just go about 4 hours a week and its a great way to meet other kids his age and also to pass the time when his sister is in school. He is really stoked that he has a coat and "brolly" (umbrella) hook with his name on.

I am enjoying the time that I get to know the other moms of the school as the culture here insists that you take your child to school and wait with them in their lines and watch them go in when the bell rings... then you wait outside the door for them to come out at the end of the day. Ive yet to see a real school bus. They walk (what a concept) for the most part. Well, this is a great oppertunity for me to reach out to the moms and get to know some new friends!

One new friend is actually originally from Philli! Go figure... Liam wore his Flyers shirt one day that got us talking. Another one is a devout Morman who we get aloung quite well so Im sure she will try to convert me and I will no doubt be praying for her to see Christs truths and be free! Another dear lady and I were chatting today and she made the comment that she said that her sister just moved to FL and noticed that it was neat that so many Americians seem to be "religious" and open to share their beliefs. She said that that is so unusual around here. We noticed! Well, that is a great opener if I ever heard one. There are many more, but Im excited about this great gathering and place to meet people and... there is no drinking involved! :)

Sleep well y'all! Love, Julie

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