Friday, October 29, 2004

Greetings Blogheads!!!
It just occurred to me that we have neglected our responsibility to keep you all updated lately and for that we are deeply sorry. Anyway, enough of that.

On the IWT front, we've had a pretty good week making some contacts. Just yesterday, I contacted an American missionary down in Kilmarnock who pastors a Small but growing (kind of rare here in Scotland) Calvary Chapel church. He was very excited about the prospects of an outreach in Kilmarnock and across Scotland. He even gave me the contact info. for another pastor in Ayr who he thought would be interested as well. I know this may seem like a small victory but it's huge to us. So far we've been received by some of the church leadership here in shall we say a somewhat lukewarm fashion. Pray that we will find churches and leaders who have a burden for the lost, and a passion for evangelism.

Don't forget to Vote on tuesday!!! The whole world is watching America to see which way it's going to go. Some are calling this "The Worlds Election", and others, the "biggest" election in history. All the reason more to consult with our creator and His word for wisdom. I can't wait till it's over. ( I know you living in America hear it alot more than us, but its huge here too! And we are making sure we stay updated and informed.) I have never seen so much lying and media bias (New York Times, CBS News and others including the BBC) in my life. Pray that it will be a landslide victory, we need all those lawyers out there chasing ambulances not counting votes. Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!!!!!!

Well, that's all for now and Happy All Saints Day.

Well, its Holloween weekend... Ive never seen so many little witches and deamons dressed up in all my life, oh yeah, and there were about 7 spidermen in Liams play group. They take the "scarry" thing pretty seriously here. Its interesting to see how they "celebrate" this time of year and interesting to hear how other parents, especially the Christian ones choose to handle it. I prefer the "warm happies" of pumpkins, leaves, and Thanksgiving time myself! I can count my blessings, smell the wonderful aroma of a Pumpkin spice candle burning, give thanks and sleep in peace. :) Thankfully, Julie

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