Thursday, September 30, 2004

Hey, you all ready for the debate tonight? It's playing here at 2am live so I'm planning on staying up to watch it. Should be interesting. There's a good feature at which has an interactive platform page which states where the canidates stand on the different issues. One thing I didn't get from Kerry is his stance on the death penalty. He's against it except for terrorists. So, if someone rapes and murders 35 women that's considered less of a crime than a terrorist who murders even one person? Sounds like a statement from a career politician to me. Looks like the old fingers in the air to see which way the wind is blowing once again.

Did you know that the house and senate of the state of California have put on the Govenors desk a bill that if passed would prohibit the public reading (as in churches and other Christian functions) of certain scriptures that condemn homosexuality. Where's the freedom of speech there? This law is already in effect in other country's like Canada and Sweden. As a matter of fact, Impact World Tour has been banned from returning to Sweden because one of our evangelists read 1Corinthians 6:9-10 at one of the shows. They'll actually throw you in prison for that. This is the direction some would have America go. What the heck is going on? Is everybody losing their mind? It reminds me of Blaise Pascals famous words, "Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless you love the truth, you cannot know it." I'm afraid too many people have bought into the lie of postmodernity and do not even believe truth exists anymore. It does exist and so does he in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by me." - John 14:6 How's that for an absolute objective statement. The thing is is that Jesus loves homosexuals as much as anybody, he just doesn't love their sin. He wants us all to turn from our sin, not try to justify it in some way. We all fall short in some way, but in order to enter into His grace we must first acknowledge this fact that we are sinners and turn from our old way of thinking and get in line with His thinking. We don't all change over night, but Jesus has a lot of loving patience for us if our heart is bent toward Him. I know because he has shown a lot of patience towards me. We are all a work in progress, but we have to take that step of faith to let Him do his work.
What the heck, here I am preaching again. Sorry, it just kind of happens.
Bye for now,

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