Sunday, May 27, 2007

May Greetings from Bonnie Scotland

I say 'May' greetings because I believe this is the first May post which is pretty bad. Sorry to all three of you who read this that we've been slacking lately.
One of the reasons for this as we are in the preparation stage of moving back to the states. Again, we are targeting late July as our re-entry time but nothing is booked yet. We still need to book our shipping company which has turned into a major task as we've been shocked at the cost. The price has literally doubled since we came over so we are shopping around and getting quotes from a bunch of different companies. Once we get that nailed down we can then look at flights.

Since our departure is about 2 months away, the reality is really beginning to settle in and to be honest, I (Marc) am getting a bit sad to leave this place. I mean, every day we drive past breathtaking scenery we just aren't going to see in Lancaster county if you know what I mean. I will also miss living in a town where we can walk to just about everything including school, grocery store, library, Liam's soccer practice, post office etc. It is a great place to live and raise kids but it does have its drawbacks as well. At the end of the day though it's not about any of that, it's about being obedient to what God has called us to do and we feel strongly that God has indeed called us back to Pa, for now at least.
So, we will try and keep up with the blog the best we can so all three of you will up on what's happening. Oh sorry, did I mention that only three people read this blog before?

More soon,


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