Monday, April 30, 2007

Rumors, Rumors, Rumors

We've been having a lot of people asking us if we are moving back to the states and there's been a bunch of confusion over the timetable. Let me first say, this is not easy as we feel as though Scotland is just as much home for us as Pa. We've spent a good amount of time praying about it and have decided it's time to head home to Pa. There are many reasons that played into our decision to return and perhaps at some other time I'll go into that more. The main point with this post is that we clear up any confusion on when we intend to return.

So, since we would like to be back with plenty of time for the kids to get acclimated for school, we are looking at somewhere between late July or early August. That being said, we haven't gotten our plane tickets or booked our shipping so hopefully everything comes into place. The airfares are really high right now so I'm watching and hoping they'll come down some and soon. We're also waiting to hear back from our shipping company that shipped our stuff over here. They're taking their good old time getting back to us which is a bit frustrating but I'm sure it'll all come together.

The picture above was taken in our front yard (garden for you Brits)about 5 months before we headed off and I can't help but think of how much has changed since then. Kayleigh and Liam have grown so much, and God has added another wee lassie (Erin) to the fold. We've also had many valuable life experiences and challenges that we have grown from and wouldn't trade for anything.

We are now wondering what God has in store for us back there as with God there is always a purpose to everything. That being said, we need quite some time to get our act together and our heads straight so we'll see what happens.

So, until then, please keep us in your prayers as there will be many challenges in the next couple of months preparing and then re-entry is a whole other thing as there's bound to be some major culture shock that may make us want to take an immediate u-turn.

OK, enough said from me.

God bless,


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