Many of you I'm sure are wondering what we are up to these days after the tour has gone through. Well lets just say God's timing couldn't be better.
Last summer in anticipation of the tour we were wondering a bit what we would be doing afterwards and if we would even continue on here in Scotland. At the same time God was tugging our hearts toward this wee Baptist church in the town of Alva about 7 miles from our home.
Some of you will remember that last summer we had a team from New Jersey come over to do a vacation bible school at this church which was very successful. Just prior to this, the church had actually seriously considered closing it's doors because their attendance had dwindled down to about 6 older people who were running out of energy to keep the place going.
After the vacation bible school, we went back to attending Stirling Baptist through most of the summer but kept thinking about this church and finally we made a decision to start attending and see what God had in store for us.
Not long after that, David Barrie, the youth pastor from Stirling Baptist (who was overseeing Alva Baptist) asked us what our plans were after the Impact World Tour went through in early November. We told him we weren't entirely sure as we were praying about it and to be honest we were very concerned about our finances and seriously considering returning to the states in December when our lease was up.
All during this time we were very concerned for the church and the lack of consistent leadership. Because there was no pastor - they would have a different preacher every week with very little substance in the messages most of the time. Well after much prayer, Julie and I were more than willing to step in and help out in these areas but we thought, if this is from God, someone will invite us to fill this role. Shortly there after, that's what happened and now we are pastoring this wee church on an interim basis.
Please pray for this town of Alva that souls would be drawn to hear the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit. We plan on just preaching the word in an expositional fashion starting with the Gospel of John and going straight through.
We are also starting a Christianity Explored course on the 18th of January for those curious about the Christian faith. Pray for that as well.
If you are interested in what's happening with the church you can check out our blog @ There's also a link in the links section at the top left.
The picture above is of the church. Yea it looks really small but can actually seat as many as 200 comfortably believe it or not.
We'll have more updates soon.
Till then, God bless.
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