Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Kirsten and Brigitta Show
We had a great time hosting our neices Kirsten and Brigitta who actually left about a week ago. Sorry to take so long in posting. They brought a bunch of sunshine into our lives both literally and figuratively speaking. The weather was great while they were here and their smiles and energy were contagious.

They definitely left their mark on Bridge of Allen as Julie said she never heard so many whistles while walking down the street with them. I think that's because I'm usually the one walking next to Julie.

The picture above was taken by Stirling Bridge, the sight of the Battle of Stirling Bridge way back in 1297. In the movie Braveheart, the Battle of Stirling was set on an open feild which was historically inaccurate. I'm not sure why they did that, ask Mel.

Our condolences go out to the whole Andrews family as while Kirsten and Brigitta were here, their grandparents passed away. Kirsten and Brigitta, you were the real Bravehearts as you amazed us with your joy in the midst of such a difficult time. You were a real blessing to us and the kids just loved every minute of you being here and playing with them. Kayleigh is still practicing that hurdle technique you taught her Kirsten, and Liam has that reverse spin move down pretty good Brigitta.

God bless you and please know that we are praying for you and your family.

Thanks Arlene and Wolf for sending the girls over, you've raised some pretty impressive children.

Well, that's all for now. More soon, I promise.

Marc Posted by Picasa

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