Friday, January 20, 2006

Hello from the Infirmiry!
Yes, once again there was a bug that realized that it did not make its way through our door and decided to drop in for a visit! We have quarentined ourselves as all 5 of us have the stomach flu. If only we had more energy we could be playing games or something. Oh well!

Our last 3 months of constant sickness all seems so trivial with so much else that is going on! So many people I know are suffering major probs. and issues in their lives, I cant complain. We all face seasons and some gut wrenching situations through the course of our lives. I cant help but feel that we are still fortunate to have experienced God breathed life, His love through these times and the oppertunity to see Him work on the other side.

Related or unrelated... A comment in a book I have been reading encouraged me to press through... seeking forgiveness in my sins, allowing God to prune my branches that are not bearing fruit and pray for clarity on anything that may be grieving Him, that there may be a bountiful harvest in my life all for his Glory! I dont want Gods investiment in my life to go to waste. I dont want to get in the way of what He wants to do through me! Oh, man! I know its simple, but these simple things are so profound at times!

On another note, we started the Community Bible Study International material this past week! It has been great! Most people commented on the depth of the questions (forgiving some touchy feely ones that they are convinced were written by an American) and all recignized that it is forcing, or I guess encouraging is a better word, to be in the word and study what God wants us to learn apart from just reading over it or listeneing to a pastor! Its so cool and encouraging to see this! We pray His word will not return void!

I must go, Erin is constantly fussing (poor dear... its so unlike her!) and I think the rest are now finally ready for a bite of toast. Toast is a feast coming through the last 2 days we just have. Hopefully it wont revisit us again. Hmmm. Ohhhhh, we have also been appreciating and enjoying all the contents of the recent packages that came through our door! Amazing!!! Thanks so much guys!

Peace and Health, Julie

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