Friday, October 29, 2004

Greetings Blogheads!!!
It just occurred to me that we have neglected our responsibility to keep you all updated lately and for that we are deeply sorry. Anyway, enough of that.

On the IWT front, we've had a pretty good week making some contacts. Just yesterday, I contacted an American missionary down in Kilmarnock who pastors a Small but growing (kind of rare here in Scotland) Calvary Chapel church. He was very excited about the prospects of an outreach in Kilmarnock and across Scotland. He even gave me the contact info. for another pastor in Ayr who he thought would be interested as well. I know this may seem like a small victory but it's huge to us. So far we've been received by some of the church leadership here in shall we say a somewhat lukewarm fashion. Pray that we will find churches and leaders who have a burden for the lost, and a passion for evangelism.

Don't forget to Vote on tuesday!!! The whole world is watching America to see which way it's going to go. Some are calling this "The Worlds Election", and others, the "biggest" election in history. All the reason more to consult with our creator and His word for wisdom. I can't wait till it's over. ( I know you living in America hear it alot more than us, but its huge here too! And we are making sure we stay updated and informed.) I have never seen so much lying and media bias (New York Times, CBS News and others including the BBC) in my life. Pray that it will be a landslide victory, we need all those lawyers out there chasing ambulances not counting votes. Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!!!!!!

Well, that's all for now and Happy All Saints Day.

Well, its Holloween weekend... Ive never seen so many little witches and deamons dressed up in all my life, oh yeah, and there were about 7 spidermen in Liams play group. They take the "scarry" thing pretty seriously here. Its interesting to see how they "celebrate" this time of year and interesting to hear how other parents, especially the Christian ones choose to handle it. I prefer the "warm happies" of pumpkins, leaves, and Thanksgiving time myself! I can count my blessings, smell the wonderful aroma of a Pumpkin spice candle burning, give thanks and sleep in peace. :) Thankfully, Julie

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Political Update

I just found a great link while on the Harvest Christian Fellowship website. If you're still trying to figure out who you should vote for in the upcoming election, this is good stuff. It basically lays out the ethical issues and points to scripture for guidance. So if you're interested in being enlightened with the truth of God's word in regard to these issues, click HERE. It's definitely interesting stuff to ponder. Have a great day.
See ya.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well hello there once again all you blogger heads. Greetings and salutations!!!
Much has happened since our last update but I will keep this fairly brief because of time constraints.

The Millerites and our 'Neat' vacation.

We had a great time with our good friends the Millers from Pa. who came to visit us for a week. They arrived on the sixth while I (Marc) was with Frank at a presentation in Kilmarnock. When I returned the Millers were being escorted to the Wallace Monument by their personal tour guide, Liam. Apparently Liam did a great job because not too long after, they all returned to the house safe and sound but looking a bit weary from the flight. After exchanging greetings and presenting our guests with some haggis chips, I decided to give them a ride around the town of Stirling. Bobby who drifted off several times during the tour had understandably only a partial memory of our experience.
In the following days we visited the Stirling castle, Castle Campbell, climbed Dumyat and took in the Old Town Jail. We then after church Sunday morning headed up to the Island of Skye in what became known as the 'Vomit Comet'. We had a quite substantial percentage of our passengers request that the driver, 'pull over'. After the 'pull over', these passengers who have requested anonymity expressed how they felt so much better which we were all very excited to hear. Needless to say, we were driving on some pretty windy roads, some of which were single track for five hours. All that being said, it was worth it because the scenery was 'neat'. If you are ever visiting Scotland, I would make Skye a priority, it was 'really neat'!
While in Skye we drove on some more 'really neat' single track roads. Climbed a 'really neat' mountain and on the way down were entertained by Bobby chasing some 'really neat' rabbits. Tracy said she was having flashbacks of their first date. Interesting.

All in all we had a great time with the Millers and were sad to see them off at the airport. We quietly drove home trying to see through our tear clogged eyes and stopped of at Ikea to try to dull the sadness.
Many thanks to Bobby and Tracy for being such a blessing to us. We miss you and our vacation to Skye will be remembered as one of the all time greats.
To sum it up, it was 'neat'.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

as promised, here is a picture of the little little one. You can click on it to take a closer look.
Baby Hamer due march 1

you will find more new pictures under the pics page link. Peace yall

Our Wee One!

Yes, thanks for checking up on us and the baby! Our Latest Ultrasound scan was an experience! On Monday the technician spent about 15-20 min. with us (which is a long time for here and the NHS) trying to get some pics. of the newest Hamer. Let me tell you, this baby was not cooperating. It was actually funny because everytime she would go to snap a pic. the baby would completely turn around. She mentioned something to us about this one getting "into trouble" and to watch out, but I prefer to just take its actions as being a bit "shy". Only God knows! :) There should be some photos coming when Jeff gets a chance.

So all that to say, we may need to re-sched. the scan again. We will see. Thanks for praying. We are doing well.

I got a great report from Annette Gehman, our Missionary Support Team Coordinator saying that the latest MST clan gathering went well. Man, those guys are awesome! We really appreciate being part of this team and all the hard work that each one is doing! You guys rock!!! Should be a mailing coming out soon, so keep your eyes peeled and we appreciate the prayers!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Its Julie this time. I don't really have too much to say right now, but wanted to give you a break from all this political talk. Its incredibly important, I know, but every now and then we need to chat about the strange fungus growing on the tree out front and why fish dont seem to mind swimming in dirty water and why pregnant bellies seem to grow so large and the baby is only a fraction of that weight! Hmmmmm!!!

Yes, Kayleigh is doing well in school, thanks for asking and thanks for praying!!! She actually got "Star pupil" of the week one week, which was quite an honor as only 4 kids out of the whole school are chosen each week during the assembly! We are so proud and she proudly wore the badge all week! She is writing and reading incredibly well but is challenged at the pace of the class. We all are challanged by the pace of life sometimes, so many of us can relate!

Liam has begun a playgroup in Bridge of Allen and really enjoys that. We just go about 4 hours a week and its a great way to meet other kids his age and also to pass the time when his sister is in school. He is really stoked that he has a coat and "brolly" (umbrella) hook with his name on.

I am enjoying the time that I get to know the other moms of the school as the culture here insists that you take your child to school and wait with them in their lines and watch them go in when the bell rings... then you wait outside the door for them to come out at the end of the day. Ive yet to see a real school bus. They walk (what a concept) for the most part. Well, this is a great oppertunity for me to reach out to the moms and get to know some new friends!

One new friend is actually originally from Philli! Go figure... Liam wore his Flyers shirt one day that got us talking. Another one is a devout Morman who we get aloung quite well so Im sure she will try to convert me and I will no doubt be praying for her to see Christs truths and be free! Another dear lady and I were chatting today and she made the comment that she said that her sister just moved to FL and noticed that it was neat that so many Americians seem to be "religious" and open to share their beliefs. She said that that is so unusual around here. We noticed! Well, that is a great opener if I ever heard one. There are many more, but Im excited about this great gathering and place to meet people and... there is no drinking involved! :)

Sleep well y'all! Love, Julie