Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Great Message on the Emerging Church

I usually reserve this kind of stuff for the other blog but I think this is important enough to have here in case some of you may not feel like clicking the link to my other blog.

This message by Brian Broderson (Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa). is the best response to the claims of Rob Bell and Brian McLaren and other Emerging leaders I've heard.

One of the most important points he makes here is that this is not about methodology, it's about theology and the undermining of essential Christian doctrine.

Please give it a listen!

Just go to this website and click on the feature message, Rob Bell and Brian McLaren, Emerging or Submerging. You can download it on to your computer by right clicking it and clicking save as.

I would love to hear your comments.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marc, thank you so much for posting this. I have been subscribed to your RSS feeds hoping for more information on the movement I see in most of the churches in our area of the US. The Emergent movement is very persuasive right now, mostly due to the expression of the Social Gospel ('helping' others). The message you linked to was the clearest defense I have heard of the concerns against the Emergent philosophy so far. Thank you very much. I have forwarded it on to friends and family. Please do continue to post references to materials like that, as it is extremely helpful.