Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Well It's Official Now

No turning back now as we have officially booked our shipping and flights and will be returning in late July. I just hope our ship doesn't have to go through any weather like that in the picture. Can you say perfect storm?

Anyway, we have tons of stuff to do but life as normal has to go on as well. The kids are still in school for a couple of more weeks and Erin is in the midst of potty training and everything else she does which is lots of fun.

So many things have been falling right into place and the latest one came yesterday when the kids found out who their teachers would be next year. Every year this has been a time of real anxiety for Kayleigh especially. The latest confirmation from God that we are doing the right thing was that Kayliegh would have had the most dreaded teacher possible. So, we are escaping just in the nick of time. There have been many more confirmations including the pastoral position at Alva Baptist. Tonight we are having a meeting to decide whether we should formally invite David Fraser as the next pastor. After this is made official, I'll share the story of how this came to be. So stay tuned.



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