Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Grandma you are missed!

We're a little late with this but we're usually a little late with everything so this is just par for the course I guess. Wow, grandma you were here for 10 weeks and now your gone and there's a huge hole here in your absense. We are slowly adjusting but please know that you are very much missed and thank you so much for all you have done for us while you were here. We've never had so many different apple deserts and they were all so good we never got tired of apples. You were also such an example to all of us as everywhere you went here, you seasoned the ground with the joy of the Lord. God bless you and we look forward to seeing you again in the not too distant future. By the way, Erin still thinks you're flying around with JJ The Jet plane.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

It Rains Here... A Lot!!

A couple of days ago Forrest Gump was on and I couldn't resist watching as it's one of my all time favorites. The scene where he's in Vietnam and it starts to rain had much more of an effect on me this time watching it as I could definitely relate.
It has been raining pretty much non stop for the last 5 weeks every day. Sometimes it falls straight down and sometimes it comes from the side like. Sometimes it's real stinging rain and other times it's big fat rain and sometimes it comes up and splashes you in the face. It just comes from everywhere.

As you can see by the picture above, we've had more than our fair share. The night before I took this it was even worse as all the grassy areas were covered and it spilled over the street. I couldn't get a shot as my camera batteries were dead. Some houses were flooded as the waters came half way up the first floor of their houses. This lake above is normally a soccer field by the way. We are thankful we didn't get flooded but we are defintely pretty water logged to say the least.
Yesterday Julie and Erin and I went out to Alva to knock on doors inviting people to our Christmas services at the church. Guess what, it was raining big fat rain which hampered our efforts somewhat. Erin was a real trooper as she held the umbrella while I held her and tried to get flyers out of my pocket. Speaking of trooper, I miss our Trooper (SUV). Enough said on that.
Today is the Kids Christmas Party, so we'll how that goes and report later.
By the way, we've started a blog for the church, www.hillfootsalvabaptist.blogspot.com
Hopefully real soon we'll have a real website.
Ok, gotta go get ready for the Kids Party.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy 8th Birthday Kayleigh

This is a couple of days late as Kayleigh's big day was on the Friday the 1st and things were a bit busy this weekend.
This year we had a few of Kayliegh's friends from school over and had they had such a good time the festivities went into overtime. I can't believe our little shmooper is 8, what the heck! Seems like just yesterday she was Erin's age but now all of a sudden she is looking like a young lady. Man are we blessed with the best kids in the world or what.
Kayleigh, you are an amazing daughter and we love you more than we could ever express. As soon as we found out that you had arrived on the scene, we began praying that from the time you would be born, you would be a blessing to many. Well our prayers have been answered and continue to be as you have blessed us so much and it has been amazing to see how you have blessed so many others with your beautiful smile, energy and enthusiasm for life. Most of all I know you have been a blessing to God as you have such an amazing spirit and sensitivity to the things of the Lord.
We love you and thank God for you everyday. Happy birthday Shmoopie!!