Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sunday with the Hamer's
Some of you may be wondering where we go to church on Sundays and what the church looks like. Well on a typical Sunday morning we attend Stirling Baptist Church in downtown Stirling. Why Stirling Baptist? Well, it was the first place we attended when we moved to the Stirling area so we said, hey this is cool and we stayed. The church has 3 services at 9:45, 11:30am and 6:30pm. We attend the 11:30 service because Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest so we take full advantage and sleep in as long as possible. Lately we've been arriving at 11 so I (Marc) can get the drums in order and prepare for worship. The kids will go to Sunday school and if Julie is not in the creche, she'll find a seat towards the back where all the Americans are told to sit (just kidding).
Dress is pretty casual but we still like to dress up the kids on occasion as you can see with Erin and Kayleigh wearing their new purple dresses. After church it isn't uncommon for us to get together with friends and take in the sights as you can see Dave and I doing below. Hey, I need my Sunday afternoon nap so why not have it at the Stirling Castle eh. Well, that gives you a bit of a snapshot of our Sunday experience. Ta, Ta for now.

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