Friday, March 03, 2006

Yea, It's Snowing!!!

One of the things I miss most from home is a good snow storm. A couple of weeks ago when it snowed like 20 inches back in Pa, I was really homesick. Thank God He sent us some of the white stuff. By the way, we just got a new (used- Julie found a great deal in the paper) digital camera so we'll be posting many more pics. I just took a bunch on the way over to the office and I am loving it. I like the instant gratification of this thing. I've been wanting to start a Scotland weather blog but Julie has reminded me that I've got a few too many projects to complete first. So, as soon as I get those out of the way (like next year) I may start up the blog and report when something significant happens around here (which may just mean the sun coming out) weather wise and include photos so you can see for yourself.

Speaking of weather, I should have something new on global warming on the other blog sometime today. I thought since it's snowing it would be appropriate to blog on that subject today.

In case you're wondering from the shot above, Erin loves the snow. She has to, she's a Hamer!


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