Saturday, May 14, 2005

Did you notice?! Did you see the pics Jeff posted? Thanks Jeff! Did you notice Erins cheeks? An apple in each one! :) What a puddin' cake!

She is definatly a smiley baby and its hard to concentrate on anything else when she is awake and looking at you like... "will you smile and talk with me". Her smile draws you in and compells you to give your full attention and begin babbeling with a lilt in your voice and oogeling over her ever dimple, raised eyebrow or coo. Its amazing how you could be mad at the world, not that we ever get to that point, but then one little face looks at you and just settles your spirit and makes you melt. Hmmm... similar thing when I am upset and then start praying. Just puts things into perspective and the other things become strangly dim in Jesus' light.

Today was a nice Saturday. Did some laundry, got bitten by some midges, caught up with some other moms on the phone, got bitten by some midges, ran down to the co-op for eggs, bread and milk, came back to make pancakes and get bitten by midges on the way back. The kids worked on a coloring contest, Marc typed out his notes for the course he was working on, I hung out some more laundry and got bitten by more midges. We decided to go for a walk to the University Lake to feed the ducks. THe kids shared some bread with other kids to feed the ducks then tromped through the edge of the lake in the creek under the giant rhodadendrun and we got bitten by more midges, oh and Kayleigh got picked by stingey nettle and Liam decided to take a face plant on the sidewalk. Kayleighs jumping rope is improving at a rapid speed on the way. We ended up at the Macrobert (Comunity theater and center on Uni. campus)looking at the local Stirling kids art gallery focusing on the history of this country and William Wallace. (700 year celebration of W.Wallace this year!!!) Braveheart on the BIG SCREEN... Marc is psyched! He is now preparing to preach for tomorrow at Stirling Baptist Church. Something about the Upsidown Church and Pentecost. Im sure he will work in an IWT presentation in there somewhere. Ohhhhhh ..... did I mention that I GOT BITTEN BY MIDGES?! THEY ARE NASTY THOSE BUGGERS! I guess Ill have to load up on garlic or someting. :) All in all a nice day, It felt like a saturday... nice!

Love to all! Julie

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