Sunday, December 05, 2004

Happy Birthday Kayleigh! "Now I am 6 I'm as clever as clever, so I think I'll be six now and forever" Christopher Robin

Hard to imagine its been 6 years since our little burst of sunshine came into our lives! Thank you Lord for Kayleigh!

In case you are wondering, Kayleigh was sick on her birthday (Dec. 1) and the few days following. She received a few packages in the mail that day from family and was even too ill to sit up and open them. (We decided to wait to open them until she was conscience.) NOW THAT'S SICK! We still had a little cake and sang to her, but had to wake her up to do that!

Today she was feeling much better except for a lingering cough now, but not too much to hold back a little party. She invited Lilli (from church) and Brittany (from school and Australia) for a little gathering. They had Kayleighs choice for lunch, had fun with cake, played dress up, went to the local village for a few jumps down the jumpy castle and slide that was so conveniently nearby to exert some energy, then home for a crafty ornament making session, some kereoki, some more dress up and wound down with a brief viewing of Home Alone... what else? All in all it was a nice wee gathering! (and very manageable with just 2 guests! :)

THANKS to everyone who helped make her birthday so special! We have received so many nice cards, and packages from family and an incredibly huge package from the Millers and our friends from Zion! We will have to post some pictures soon... as soon as we get them scanned in.

I must write more... I will let it at just b-day stuff for this post. Happy day to you all!

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