Thursday, June 03, 2004

On our way to a play date yesterday (Julie and the kids)we were driving up the A9 and wouldn't you know... bump bump bump I got a flat tire in Frank and Beckys car! The kicker was that there was no place to pull over, I had no cell phone, no way to contact the people we were to meet, Marc couldn't rescue us even if I could call him because he had no car and the kids were teary eyed thinking they wouldn't get to play at Rebeccas house. Ugggg!

So, like the adventurous auto mechanic that I am, I decided to find the tools for a change. There was a spare, but I could not get the jack to work. (Yes, my hands were completely black and hair was frazzled already!) I was also afraid that it would bust into the rusty spots in the bottom of the car. So as I lay on the ground looking for a safe spot for the jack, I muttered something about how "friendly" these people were whizzing by on the highway and asked God for some help! I was failing miserably at my attempt. I was ready to beg for help.

wouldn't you know the next vehicle that I decided to flag down just happened to be labeled a licensed AA (equivalent of our AAA) Tire Repair man with his gadgets in his van and everything!!! (Now really, how often do you see one of them?) I told him he was sent by God and the kids and I agreed that he was our auto angel! What a riot! We drove away laughing!

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