Tuesday, March 16, 2004

this was emailed to Candace, but I thought you might be interested in reading "a day in the life" Julie, I've tried to edit out anything you might not want to be public information.

Julie writes:
Right, so I'll try to answer some of your loaded questions. Yes, we have
adjusted to the time zone by now, its a relief! The kids are sleeping well

A typical day we would drop the kids at the Kindi with hugs and kisses as
they run off with their new friends. We always start the office day by
looking at the white board and try to cross some things off our list of "to
do" and add some to it as well. We pray for quite some time with Frank and
Becky and occasionally others who are with YWAM and in Dunedin that day.
Then its off to our duties, possibly a couple mins. to check emails, Marc is
actively involved with "Arrangements" which is making sure that the venue is
ready. (Ramps are being built, hundreds of duct tape rolls, generators and
electrical stuff in place, ushers and security committed, trained and in
place... Its big)! I am actively involved in Hospitality, Weekly updates
submitted to locals and the greater IWT staff, and organizing stuff like
Table hosts for the fundraising banquets, Organizing the Pastors lunches
(we are trying to be a vehicle to bring them together to pray and encourage this to
go on after the tour). The hospitality stuff is just making sure that the
Local Hospitality coordinator is given the appropriate list of needs for
some IWT speakers and teams etc for Housing, transportation, meals, welcome
packets, doctor info... Etc. And then staying on her to make sure it gets

At some point in the day we try to spend about 2 hours or so on training
with either Becky or a visiting speaker. We are working through the manual
for IWT coordinators which is so very detailed and intricate. Today we
familiarized ourselves on the data base, which at this point is
overwhelming, but will soon be our dear friend.

Marc is at the moment picking the kids up from Kindi. Its 12:30 lunch time.
We will probably spend a couple hours here with the kids yet then one of
us will take them home for naps and prepare dinner.

Evenings are usually just dinner and we get caught up in a lively
conversation with whoever is at home and watch the kids play with toys or
slide down the steps on the boogie board. One of us often has either an
Executive Meeting or some other meeting a couple times a week, but one is
always with the kids. We are also going through counselor training which is
a couple sessions long at multiple times that people are required to go
through to be a counselor at the proclamation time. We will eventually be
equipped to lead these.

Saturdays and Sundays are pretty much our days as a family and this past
weekend we had a quiet house since the family was gone.

There is loads to do living in a city, wish we had more time to goof
off, but am glad to be usefully, learning and know that it is temporary!

This is probably a bit more detailed than you were thinking, but as I
started, I tried to whittle it down and it just wasn't possible, hey, maybe
I'll send it to mom too! :) There really is a lot more to the organizational
aspect of this than one could imagine. There is so much more that we
realized! Its sooooo cool to see all the hands and hearts that believe in
this mission and have changed their lives and schedules to pour themselves
into making it happen as well. I would estimate that nearly 700-900 people
are involved just in set up in one city.. Then there are satellite locations
at each hub city and of course all the teams and staff that tour and then
the main office in Kansas city would total probably nearly 1,200 that have
shifted their lives and schedules as well, to focus on this one ministry!
Its huge and God is rewarding it! Its great to be a little ant in the whole

Anyway, must go now to get some materials out (tickets, banners etc.) to
some locals.

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