Scotland With The Miller's
Wow, what a week we had with the Miller's. We had a great time but unfortunately it all went by all too quickly. My original intent was to do a daily blog to keep you all updated to what we were doing during each day but by the time we settled down in the evenings, I was pretty hammered. So, I'll do some of that this week and share some of our pics with you. I think we took well over 200 shots last week and I think the Miller's took over 400. The one here is in front of the Iona Abbey on the Isle of Iona where St. Columba brought Christianity way back in the 6th Century. We were there last wed. and thursaday and had a great time even though the weather was well...Scottish.
I will share more of our experiences but I have to say this, the Miller's are the salt of the earth and are an amazing blessing to us. There were many tears on Sunday morning when they left for home and our home here has seemed a bit lonely in their absense. Thanks again you guys for coming over and blessing us with your presense. I know for sure that that was the most fun the kids have had since we've been here.
God bless you and thanks for your friendship.
More soon