Monday, November 06, 2006

Things Getting Back to Normal

First of all I am sorry to all of you out there that have been waiting for blog updates on the tour last week. I had tried on several occasions to post a blog only to be blocked by the internet system at the Ywam, Seamill Centre where we were staying. I was extremely frustrated as I spent a good deal of time only to have it be lost out there somewhere in the blogosphere nether regions. Oh well, I'll give it another go and I think it'll work this time as we are back home now.

It's good to be home in our own beds and back to normal schedules. By the end of the week, we were all pretty exhausted especially after the last night as many of us were up until 4am. That wouldn't have been so bad but Erin's sleep schedule didn't change just because it was IWT week in Kilmarnock. She still woke up at 7am and repeatedly yelled, Dadda, Daddy until I gave her my undivided attention. So, on Friday we had a total of three hours of sleep and we weren't finished yet as we had a celebration dinner in the evening we had to attend. Needless to say, I was one cranky dude all day long and not much fun to be around. The celebration dinner was pretty cool as many testimonies were shared and we said goodbye to many of the team members for the last time. They were a fun yet strange looking bunch as we had people there from all over the world including: Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Spain, Germany, Samoa (and some other south pacific countries that I can't pronounce or spell), New Zealand, Brazil, USA, Canada and of course Scotland. These people came in all different sizes as well as the Team Extreme guys were somewhat larger than the rest of us. One of our goals each day was to get in the food line before them to ensure that there would actually be food leftover. Most times we were successful.

I will share more in the next post but I thought I'd wait 'till I could get my pictures up from the camera which is currently in a room where someone is sleeping.

More soon.


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